Roses are red, violets are blue, boy I wish winter was over don’t you? Slowly we are getting there folks, while February may be ripe with sounds of snowplows and shovels for some, the sounds of cheers, jeers, and ripped up college basketball brackets is just around the corner in March.
Speaking of around the corner…I hear the beeping sound of a delivery truck (OSHA compliant of course) backing up to the CSINext dock for a delivery.
Well would you look at that? A large box from the “Programs Department,” and one from “Certification Preparation.” Well, why wait…lets open these bad boys up and see what we have.
Wow....look at all this stuff!
For February we will learning about acoustical design with Tony Sola of Acoustical Consulting Services, a long-time professional colleague of CSINext Director Staci Seyer. Staci is also working on the first ever CSINext virtual plant tour – we have rescheduled that from February to May, but never fear, even though ‘yours truly’ made a scheduling error with it, it’s still going to happen!
March brings us CSINext Founder, Chapter Treasurer, and Electronics Chair, Daniel Hargreaves, who will be presenting on the nuances of understanding accessibility between ADA and ANSI. I’ve known Daniel since becoming a member of the Chapter Board in 2014. He has presented to not only this Chapter over the years, but at the National and Regional level with CSI on ADA as well. I consider him not only a long-time friend and mentor, but an industry expert and advisor on this very topic. Don’t miss it – you won’t be disappointed – this presentation is rated for HSW credit as well!
Michael Crall, North American Field Engineer, with Specified Technologies Central bring his knowledge of IBC Fire Stopping requirements to us in April. Really looking forward to this topic tends to have large impacts on a variety of projects.
As they say, April showers bring May flowers and in May CSINext Director Staci Seyer has worked with DIRTT, a global leader in industrialized construction for interior spaces, to provide us with a virtual plant tour of the production facility. This is a first for CSINext and should be an exciting event!
As if the learning programs are not enough what do we have in this box? WHOA! CDT and CCCA certification prep classes for the Spring 2023 Exam window.!! 🤩 Once again, CSINext will be partnering with Dean Bortz with Columbus State Community College to present the CDT Bootcamp. Dean has also so graciously offered to present his CCCA ‘Fried Days,’ through several interactive virtual sessions as well. Keep an eye out on the CSINext website and the CSI website for the upcoming dates, times, and sign-up links!
Looking at the larger picture for 2023, CSINext will have (2) Chapter Board of Directors positions open for the 2023/2024 fiscal year starting on July 1, 2023. Both Chapter Secretary and Chapter Director positions will be open. If you would be interested in learning more about joining the Chapter Board and help shape the future of CSINext – let us know and we would be happy to speak with you.
And if a Board of Directors position maybe isn’t your thing – we are always looking for people to help with the Nominations, Awards, Programs, and Membership Committees as well.
Well folks, that’s it for now. Once again thank you for your continued patronage to CSI and CSINext. Looking forward to continuing the momentum this year has already brought us!
Till next time,
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