So, evidently this will be my last president's message. I know the second half of this fiscal year has been pretty quiet from my end... changing jobs does that sort of thing so my apologies. I would like to thank everyone who has made this such a productive year. We have had quite an active board and Daniel Hargreaves continues as the backbone of our chapter. We have had a very full year of chapter meetings and I think most everyone on the board has at least chipped in once to bring a program on board. Programs, evidently, are a very important asset of our chapter. According to a survey done by Institute, members value good webinars. People like quick meetings and meetings that are quick to get to. CSINext are the easiest meetings to get to since we are right at your desktop! By the way, we are always open to requests if you have a topic you would like to see at a chapter meeting, just let us know! Thank you to all of our great presenters who provided us with interesting chapter meetings. Thank you to PPG for funding our meeting software. Also a big thank you to all of YOU, our members, for supporting our chapter through your membership. Cindy, all the best to you for your year as President!